Diversamente Office
IULM University promotes the logic of integration. A lot can be done to reduce the difficulties arising from disabilities and, above all, it is necessary to change attitudes and look at diversity with different eyes: that is why diversaMENTE was created.
One of IULM University's priorities is to ensure that all students have equal access to culture and education: the activities of the diversaMENTE - Disability and SLD (specific learning disorders) Office are dedicated to this aim. In accordance with the provisions of the relevant legislation (Law no. 17 of 28 January 1999 and Law no. 170 of 8 October 2010), the office's aim is to listen to the requests of the students concerned, collect their needs and then develop learning support strategies tailored to each case.
Thanks to a careful admission policy and the use of appropriate compensation mechanisms, the University guarantees that everyone has the opportunity to pursue their studies successfully. All the services are available also for international students and Exchange students.
The University's diversaMENTE Office deals with issues relating to the disabilities of students enrolled at the University to guarantee their full inclusion and participation in university life: teaching, research, access to services and facilities.
The Office works in close synergy with the Rector's Delegate for Inclusion and Disability and psychological counselling.
Students wishing to use the support of the diversaMENTE Office must present appropriate documentation that will be admitted only after evaluation by the Service Internal Commission.
Important: the delivery of disability certification or handicap assessment, for the sole purpose of the admission test, does not imply any acceptance by the diversaMENTE office.
Students should contact the Office by writing to diversamente@iulm.it
For info and appointment requests: diversamente@iulm.it - 02.891412200.
Description of Services
Incoming freshmen orientation
It is possible to make an appointment to support students in their choice of the degree course and in the initial phase of attending classes, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey.
The incoming reception service is the first point of contact with the student, where it is possible to ask for information on the various services offered by the University to students with disabilities, as well as orientation interviews for an informed choice of the degree course.
Admission tests
During the test registration procedure, candidates with disabilities, must attach disability documentation in PDF format. Any medical document will be admitted only after evaluation by the Service Internal Commission.
To request compensatory/dispensatory measures, students must apply by the deadline set for the registration to the admission test by sending an email to the diversaMENTE Office at diversamente@iulm.it.
Important: the delivery of disability certification or handicap assessment, for the sole purpose of the admission test, DOES NOT IMPLY ANY ACCEPTANCE BY THE DIVERSAMENTE OFFICE. Students should contact the office by writing to diversamente@iulm.it.
Assistance with administrative procedures
The diversaMENTE Office offers support for administrative procedures related to university careers, in collaboration with other University offices.
Computer and technological aids
The Office has computer and technological aids available for students who request them for exams and study.
Didactic support with Peer Tutors
The diversaMENTE office implements support activities with peer tutors (Master's degree students) for students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career.
Individual interviews
for didactic mediation in relation to students' needs for attending courses and passing exams.
Digital texts for study
It is possible to ask for information about accessible texts.
Courses on study methods
The Office organises courses on study methods in both semesters of the year.
Psychological support
The Counseling Service is available to the entire IULM student community to prevent and manage psychological problems that may be encountered during the university career.
IULM Scholarships
Every year, IULM University provides financial benefits for the right to study, which are awarded by competition.
Students with disabilities, individual merit requirements are expected on the basis of the type of disability, which can deviate up to a maximum of 40% from the requirements set out in the call for applications.
Advisories for Scholarships
During the year, there will be advisories for scholarships awarded by external organisations to students with disabilities.
Census and monitoring of architectural accessibility
The diversaMENTE Office, in collaboration with the University's Maintenance Office, regularly monitors and eliminates any architectural barriers on campus.
Mobility orientation courses for blind students
The Office offers mobility orientation courses for blind students who need to memorise routes between buildings on campus to reach classrooms.
Moving around the Campus
Moving around the Campus is easy. There are barrier-free routes. Click here to see the campus map.
University Residence
Inside the IULM Residence there are 4 units reserved for the students with disability with internet connection and satellite TV: wardrobe, desk, en-suite bathroom and centralised air conditioning.
On each floor there is also a "Coffee Corner", equipped with vending machines for snacks and drinks, and the necessary furniture for storing and eating food.
Internship & Placement
DiversaMente, in collaboration with the Internship and Placement office, offers assistance in finding companies where it is possible to carry out the work experience required by the Degree Course, in evaluating offers, in preparing interviews and in defining the contract. Moreover, the office informs graduates with disabilities about specific job offers suitable for them.
International mobility
Erasmus+ for people with disabilities or special needs
The Erasmus+ Programme allocates funds each year to support the mobility of people with special needs, giving particular attention to mobile students and staff whose physical, mental or, more generally, health conditions are such that they cannot participate in the programme without additional funding for the extra costs incurred linked to support, accommodation and pedagogical and technical support services.
The following services may be eligible, according to individual needs: specific accommodation, travel assistance, medical presence, support equipment, adaptation of learning materials, accompanying persons, etc.
Lastly, we also recommend that you consult MappED!, the online tool developed by the Erasmus Student Network (ESN) which shows you the accessibility of the different Higher Education Institutions and their services to enable you to make informed choices about your mobility destination.
To request information and support in preparing your application and to apply for an Erasmus+ grant in addition to the study mobility contribution, please contact the Mobility Office.
Mondays and Thursdays from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
E-mail: studyabroad@iulm.it
Tel: 02 89141.2345/2383
Specific Learning Disorders are generally common among the population and increasingly more among university students in particular. Often there isn’t a sufficient awareness culture that could be helpful in order to face such disorders, which can sometimes develop into an obstacle or a source of failure in the learning enviroment.
Students wishing to request compensatory/dispensatory measures for the admission test and examinations, must present appropriate documentation to the diversaMENTE Office, namely the SLD diagnosis, which must specify the reference nosographic codes and the explicit naming of the related disorder(s). Moreover, necessary information and individual characteristics of the single student must be indicated, along with the related strengths and weaknesses and aid suggestions, also as regards compensatory/dispensatory measures. In order to plan adequate learning support measures, the diagnosis must be examined in full.
The date of issue of the certificate shall not exceed three years at the time of pre-enrolment/enrolment. However, certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue.
Students needing compensatory/dispensatory measures, must follow the Guidelines for Students with SLD diagnosis drawn up by the diversaMENTE Office.
PLEASE NOTE that the submission of the SLD certification, for the purpose of the admission test only, does not imply any acceptance by the diversaMENTE Office. Students should contact the office at the address diversamente@iulm.it.
IULM University reserves the right not to grant compensatory/dispensatory measures if the medical documentation has expired or is not updated.
Special Educational Needs certifications not specifying a SLD are not recognized by the current legislation regarding the academic career, therefore students in possession of such certifications could not be accepted by the diversaMENTE Office. These students, once enrolled, can always interact with the diversaMENTE Office for useful tips and suggestions.
Download the Guidelines for Students with SLD diagnosis
the handbook
Descriprion of Services
Incoming freshmen orientation
It is possible to make an appointment to support students in their choice of the degree course and in the initial phase of attending classes, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey.
The incoming reception service is the first point of contact with the student, where it is possible to ask for information on the various services offered by the University to students with SLD, as well as orientation interviews for an informed choice of the degree course.
Admission test for students with SLD
In order to apply for an admission test, candidates with a SLD diagnosis must present appropriate documentation in PDF format.
The diagnosis must specify the reference nosographic codes and the explicit naming of the related disorder(s). Moreover, necessary information and individual characteristics of the single student must be indicated, along with the related strengths and weaknesses and aid suggestions, also as regards compensatory/dispensatory measures. In order to plan adequate learning support measures for a single student, the diagnosis must be examined in full.
The date of issue of the certificate shall not exceed three years at the time of pre-enrolment/enrolment. However, certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue. Any medical document will be admitted only after evaluation by the Service Internal Commission.
Students wishing to request compensatory/dispensatory measures must present appropriate documentation by the deadline set for the registration to the admission test by sending an email to the diversaMENTE Office at diversamente@iulm.it.
PLEASE NOTE that the submission of the SLD certification, for the purpose of the admission test only, does not imply any acceptance by the diversaMENTE Office. Students should contact the office at the address diversamente@iulm.it.
IULM University reserves the right not to grant compensatory/dispensatory measures if the medical documentation has expired or is not updated.
Special Educational Needs certifications not specifying a SLD are not recognized by the current legislation regarding the academic career, therefore students in possession of such certifications could not be accepted by the diversaMENTE Office. These students, once enrolled, can always interact with the diversaMENTE Office for useful tips and suggestions.
Desk for freshmen with SLD
This Office aims to guide and support students with SLD, providing them with useful information and strategies for embarking on their university journey.
This desk is held by Dott.ssa Melissa Scagnelli, psychologist and psychotherapist, it will be available at Euresis Center (IULM 1, 4th floor) and it’s possible to schedule an appointment by writing at psicologo.diversamente@iulm.it.
Courses on study methods
During both semesters, the diversaMENTE Office plans courses held in Italian about study methods
Didactic support with Peer Tutors
The diversaMENTE office implements support activities with Peer Tutors (Master's degree students) for students with SLD diagnosis to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career.
Digital texts for study
It is possible to ask for information about accessible texts.
SuperReading Course
Students registered to the diversaMENTE Office can benefit from the free SuperReading Course, aimed to promote strategic reading and understanding skills. The course is for Italian native speakers only.
Computer and technological aids
The Office has computer and technological aids available for students who request them for exams and study.
Facilities for students with SLD
IULM University offers special rates to students with SLD: diagnosis must be updated or issued by our Euresis Center (euresis@iulm.it), in Italian or in English.
Since the academic year 2023/24, the Rector's Delegate for Inclusion and Disability and Psychological Counselling, in connection with the large increase of people with this diagnosis, has extended the possibility of requesting compensatory and dispensatory measures to students with a diagnosis of ADHD.
Students wishing to request compensatory/dispensatory measures for the admission test, support for class attendance and taking examinations must present appropriate documentation to the diversaMENTE Office, namely the ADHD diagnosis, which must specify the reference nosographic codes and the related naming. This documentation must be valid.
The date of issue of the certificate shall not exceed three years at the time of pre-enrolment/enrolment. However, certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue.
Students needing compensatory/dispensatory measures, must follow the Guidelines for Students with ADHD diagnosis drawn up by the diversaMENTE Office.
PLEASE NOTE that the submission of the ADHD certification, for the purpose of the admission test only, does not imply any acceptance by the diversaMENTE Office. Students should contact the office at the address diversamente@iulm.it.
IULM University reserves the right not to grant compensatory/dispensatory measures if the medical documentation has expired or is not updated.
Download the Guidelines for Students with ADHD diagnosis
Descriprion of Services
Admission test for students with ADHD diagnosis
In order to apply for an admission test, candidates with an ADHD diagnosis must present appropriate documentation in PDF format, namely the ADHD diagnosis, which must specify the reference nosographic codes and the related naming. This documentation must be valid.
The date of issue of the certificate shall not exceed three years at the time of pre-enrolment/enrolment. However, certificates issued after the age of 18 are considered valid regardless of the date of issue. Any medical document will be admitted only after evaluation by the Service Internal Commission.
Students wishing to request compensatory/dispensatory measures must present appropriate documentation by the deadline set for the registration to the admission test by sending an email to the diversaMENTE Office. at diversamente@iulm.it.
PLEASE NOTE that the submission of the ADHD certification, for the purpose of the admission test only, does not imply any acceptance by the diversaMENTE Office. Students should contact the office at the address diversamente@iulm.it.
Courses on study
During both semesters, the diversaMENTE Office plans courses held in Italian about study methods.
Didactic support with Peer Tutors
The diversaMENTE office implements support activities with Peer Tutors (Master's degree students) for students with ADHD diagnosis to eliminate or reduce obstacles in their university career.
It is possible to ask for information about accessible texts.
SuperReading Course
Students registered to the diversaMENTE Office can benefit from the free SuperReading Course, aimed to promote strategic reading and understanding skills. The course is for Italian native speakers only.
Computer and technological aids
The Office has computer and technological aids available for students who request them for exams and study.