Research projects

Alongside a line of development based on offering services to the wider community through research on behalf of third parties, IULM University has identified, in competitive research, not only important sources of support but also the opportunity to work in networked contexts and methodological comparison with other universities on the international scene. The University has also acknowledged the importance of giving greater financial autonomy to research and has therefore established a policy of investment of resources based on the annual provision of funding for departmental research at the beginning of each year.

Departmental Projects

Collaborative translation: approaches and perspectives

Department of Humanities

Departmental Projects

The role of university incubators in the development of innovative start-ups in culture and tourism

Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour

Departmental Projects

Orality in poetry, in music, in performance

Department of Communication, Arts and Media

Departmental Projects

The mediatised item

Department of Communication, Arts and Media

Third party and competitive

New Galeotto Theatre

Department of Communication, Arts and Media

Departmental Projects

Theatre Training Society

Department of Communication, Arts and Media

Departmental Projects

From sestertium to Bitcoin. The size of money

Department of Humanities

Departmental Projects

Canon and anti-canon, contradiction and system in law and literature

Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour

Third party and competitive

Measurement of the economic impact that cultural events and cinemas have on the economy of its area

Department of Business, Law, Economics and Consumer Behaviour

Departmental Projects

The university system

Department of Humanities