New students
On this page you will find all the information about the admission tests for the IULM Bachelor's degree courses.
Registration for the first test session for the academic year 2025/2026 is open from 11 November 2024 to 16 December 2024.
For the full news click here.
Page being updated
If you reside permanently in italy, please follow the procedure below:
- If you are not already registered click here.
- Click here to register to the admission test.
- If you are already registered but you forgot the password, click on the following link to retrieve it.
- If you are abroad during the days of the test, please write to
If you reside permanently abroad click here. For international students, applications are open.
Arts and Cultural Events | 250 |
Fashion and creative industries | 250 |
Tourism, Management and Culture | 200 |
Interpreting and Communication | 250 |
Languages, Culture and Digital Communication |
100 |
Communication, Media and Advertising | 530 |
Corporate Communication and Public Relations* (in Italian) |
500 |
Corporate Communication and Public Relations* (in English) |
240 |
*revision of ordinance pending ministerial approval
Admission test requirements can be found in this document.
Click here to discover terms and procedures for admission to degree courses.
The participation fee will not be refunded under any circumstances.
Failure to pay the participation fee or late payment of the participation fee after the deadlines for each session will preclude access to the test.
In the event of potential over-subscription of available places, the deadlines for registration could be shortened so as to allow for the appropriate scrolling of the ranking list.
Tests for admission to the Bachelor’s degree courses for the academic year 2025/26 will take place on the following dates:
1st session: 13 to 23 January 2025
2nd session: 24 March to 7 April 2025
3rd session: 20 to 30 of May 2024
4th session: 14 to 18of July 2024
Once all places have been filled for the ordinary sessions, the Academic Senate may authorise the organisation of further extraordinary sessions for courses with further availability of non-assigned places.
Please see point 3 of the Regulations for Admissions to Bachelor’s Degree Courses Academic Year 2025/2026 for more informations
Download here the summary of deadlines for the admission tests, dates, results and enrolment.
Download here the upcoming dates for the Assessment test for the Corporate Communication and Public Relations course.
Download here the dates for the preliminary data checks for the admission tests.
Download here the admission test dates for international students a.y. 2025/2026.
Download here the Scheduled dates for the Oxford Placement Test (Assessment Test) for candidates for the Bachelor's Degree Courses in Arts and Cultural Events, Fashion and Creative Industries, Tourism, Management and Culture, Communication, Media and Advertising and Corporate Communication and Public Relations.
Please note: the indicated dates may be subject to possible changes. Always check the University portal.
The test is carried out online.
Online procedures:
- candidates must be in possession of a device equipped with webcam and microphone;
- convocation for the test will be exclusively via e-mail using the address provided during registration.
- each step is compulsory and binding for the validity of the test;
- the test must be carried out by logging in to the virtual rooms indicated in the e-mail, so that University staff can carry out the necessary invigilation.
- tests started prior to communication from the University staff and/or carried out without a connection to the virtual room will be considered null and void;
- on a date within the range indicated for each session, the candidate must take the mandatory Oxford Placement Test. Upon receipt of the credentials, the candidate will be able to access the test normally within the next 72 hours. Candidates who do not take the test within the specified period will not be placed on the ranking list for the session.
While taking the test, candidates must comply scrupulously with all Regulations specified in detail herein, and failure to do so will result in the test being declared null and void.
Courses at our university can have two types of tests: assessment tests are aimed at profiling the candidate's knowledge and skills; for selective tests, test results and academic record contribute to the final score.
Non-selecrtive test:
- Arts and Cultural Events
Evaluation test with oral exam to follow:
- Interpreting ad communication
- Languages, Culture and Digital Communication
Selective test:
- Fashion and Creative Industries
- Communication, Media and Advertising
- Corporate Communication and Public Relations*
- Corporate Communication and Public Relations* (in English)
- Tourism, Management and Culture
*revision of ordinance pending ministerial approval
Download here the document with all the details about the evaluation of the school curriculum, language requirements (when provided) and how the rankings will be articulated
For details of the tests for each individual degree course, please refer to the "Admissions test content" section at the following links:
- Bachelor’s degree course in Corporate Communication and Public Relations* (in Italian)
- Bachelor’s degree course in Corporate Communication and Public Relations* (in English)
- Bachelor’s degree course in Communication, Media and Advertising
- Bachelor’s degree course in Fashion and creative industries
- Bachelor’s degree course in Arts and Cultural Events
- Bachelor’s degree course in Interpreting and Communication
- Bachelor's degree course in Languages, Culture and Digital Communication
- Bachelor’s degree course in Tourism, Management and Culture
*revision of ordinance pending ministerial approval
Click here to download a sample admissions test in English for the course in Corporate Communication and Public Relations.
Click here to download a sample admissions test for all other Bachelor’s degree courses.
Publication of Admission Test results
Download here the summary of dates and deadlines for receipt of results and the deadline for enrolment in the event of a successful admissions test. For unsuccessful candidates, further details can be found in point 8 of the Admission Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Courses for the Academic Year 2025/2026.
The results will normally be communicated by e-mail to the address provided by the candidate during registration. For this reason, you should also regularly monitor your SPAM folder.
Confirmation of enrolment and registration
This short video describes the procedure for enrolment, which will be confirmed only upon receipt by IULM University of payment of the first instalment.
In the event of potential over-subscription, the deadlines for registration could be shortened so as to allow for the appropriate scrolling of the ranking list.
Further details can be found under point 9 of the Admission Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Courses for the Academic Year 2025/2026.
For each session, the admitted candidate who fails to confirm registration by the deadline specified in the e-mail will lose any priority deriving from their position in the ranking for that session (and their place may be assigned to another candidate).
Subsequently the candidates may apply:
to be included in the first appropriate ranking, following the instructions provided by the Registrar's Office, maintaining the previously obtained score (subject to the availability of places);
or to repeat the test, by submitting an application through the online procedure, at no extra cost. In this case the score previously obtained for that course of studies will automatically be annulled.
The enrolment of students awaiting the results of their school-leaving examination (the “Maturità”) will be considered conditional until confirmation of having passed the exam is provided through the online procedure. Students must provide the date of passing the exam and the mark obtained by 18 July 2024. Failure to do so will result in the cancellation of the enrolment without the right to a refund of the first instalment paid. A request for reimbursement of the first instalment paid can only be made if documented proof is provided of failure to pass the ‘Maturità’ examination.
Should candidates attending the penultimate year of high school pass the admission test, they will be able to keep the score obtained and access a dedicated registration window (November 2024) to have priority enrolment for the academic year 2025/26, procedures for which will be communicated as from November 2024.
Scrolling the ranking list
If the number of students admitted exceeds the number of places available, the number of students in excess will be placed on a waiting list while maintaining their position in the ranking.
See the Admission procedures for details of the scrolling procedures.
Transfers from other Universities
As a rule, first-year transfers, specifically for Bachelor’s degree courses for which a selective test is required for admission, are not permitted. For further information write to
Transfers into second and third years are always possible. They do not require students to take the test and will depend solely on the students’ studies carried out thus far as assessed by the Registrar’s Office.
It is possible for students withdrawing from other universities to be admitted to the first year, with the possibility (to be assessed on a case-by-case basis) of validating exams already taken.
In order to guarantee equal opportunities in carrying out the tests, applicants with disabilities in possession of a certificate of civil incapacity and/or recognition of the state of disability pursuant to Law 104/92, applicants with Specific Learning Disorders (DSA), in possession of DSA certification pursuant to Law 170/2010, and applicants in possession of ADHD and Autism certification must upload the documentation certifying the disorder in PDF format during the online test enrolment procedures. The documentation must be currently valid and legally compliant.
Specific requests for dispensation and/or compensatory measures for the admissions test must be submitted before the deadline for enrolment in the test by sending an e-mail to the diversaMENTE service.
For any further clarifications or needs, please contact the diversaMENTE office at tel. 02.891412200.
If you are an international applicant living abroad and having achieved (or about to achieve) a foreign upper secondary school qualification, you should submit your application on the portal
Please note: Taking the admission test is possible on the test date after confirmation of the eligibility and validity of the qualification from the Registrar’s Office.
Click here for admission test dates for international students for A.Y. 2025/2026.
Click here to download the Admission Procedures for Bachelor’s Degree Courses.
Click here to download the notice regarding English for Corporate Skills exam exemptions for candidates enrolled in the Corporate Communication and Public Relations Course test*.
Click here to download the notice on English and second language exemptions a.y. 2025/2026