Master's UniversityPublishing and Music Production
Scientific Director: Prof. Gianni Canova
Head of teaching: Dott. Luca Cerchiari
The This Master, in its 9th edition, has had very good results in job-placement and a significant increase in the number of hours, practical-productive activities and international content.
It offers all the tools necessary to pursue a career in the specialist fields of publishing and music production (print, recording, digital, audiovisual and live music, concerts and festivals). The course provides theoretical and practical knowledge for managing different professional tasks related to production and promotion in music publishing and numerous career opportunities at Italian and multinational companies. It gives extensive training in the main musical genres, as well as in the Economics of Music, Publishing and Discography, Copyright, Modern Languages and Computer Science, and the relationship between music and media. In particular, the Master's Degree is aimed at a number of productive professions in the publishing, digital and audiovisual fields.
At the end of the classes the Master provides students with a curricular internship in order to put into practice the competences acquired during the program. The master has organized internship at relevant organizations, among others:
Ricordi/Hal Leonard -Warner Music -Warner Chappell -Sony Music -Tantaroba Label -Verdi Orchestra -La Scala Theatre -Aerostella -Associated producers -Bluebell -La Cosa Cooperative -SKY -Volontè & Co. -F&P -Amadeus Belvivere -Media -Mimesis/Meltemi -Music Professional Centre (CPM) -Sae -Max Museum, Chiasso -State Disco/ICBSA
6 months
3/6 months