Master's Specialist Masterbook, Master in specialization in publishing professions
Scientific Director: Prof. Gianni Canova
Head of teaching: Dott.ssa Luciana Bianciardi
Master's SpecialistMasterbook, Master in specialization in publishing professions
Scientific Director: Prof. Gianni Canova
Head of teaching: Dott.ssa Luciana Bianciardi
MasterBook prepares you to read professionally, edit a text, suggest cuts or additions, correct the drafts, study and create the graphic cover, promote the book in the bookshop, organize events, create your own publishing house: MasterBook offers you the opportunity to learn how to do all this, and to try your skills in the field. From the beginning of the Master's course, in fact, the class becomes the editorial staff of a publishing house and, as such, works on three books that will be published and presented at the International Book Fair in Turin.
The International Book Fair in Turin is the greatest opportunity to showcase the titles published and promote them in events, presentations and debates.
To complete the training activities, it is possible to carry out an internship or to develop a specific project work agreed with the Coordinator of the Master's course.
Examples of host companies for internships include:Bao Publishing, Biblion, Carbonio Editore, Class, Elliot, Fandango, La Vita Felice, MarcosyMarcos, Marsilio, MilanoEdit, Mondadori, PNLA, SEM, SuiGeneris, ExCogita, Bookabook, Chiarelettere, E/O, Epoké, Garzanti, GeMS, Francesco Giubilei, Giunti, Iporborea, Ledizioni, Lorem Ipsum, Lupetti, Mimesis, Mursia, Riza, RW Edizioni, SuiGeneris, Tsunami.
Thematic areas:
Module 1: History of publishing in Italy
Module 2: Talks with the author
Module 3: Editing in fiction
Module 4: Editing in non-fiction
Module 5: Poetry: evaluating a poetic anthology and preparing it for publication
Module 4: The back cover
Module 5: Layout with InDesign
Module 6: Cover graphics and internal graphics with Photoshop
Module 7: Proofreading. Authorial and editorial correction
Module 8: Preparation of the print PDF
Module 9: E-books
Module 10: Invoices and transport documents
Module 11: Editorial communication
Module 12: Social media
Module 13: The event
Module 14: Trade fairs
5 months
3/6 optional

Start your journey as a student at IULM!
MasterBook, the Master of Specialization in the publishing professions, provides the tools to approach writing in a professional way, to enter into the narrative mechanisms, grasp nuances and suggest to novelists, poets and essayists the best drafting of their text.
The teaching is delivered by professionals, who operate or have operated with competence and passion, qualities that they intend to pass on to those who will take their place.
The Master's course is aimed at graduates with a strong aptitude for reading and writing who intend to pursue a career in the publishing industry (editor, graphic designer, pager, literary agent) or create their own publishing house.
- Contacts
- milan office
milan office
IULM Communication School
Via Carlo Bo, 1 - Milan
Tel: +39 02 891412311
Fax: +39 02 891412371